A Senior Friendly Green Space Serving The Entire Community Of Dundas
See Our Progress
History of Creekside Location

The History
of The Parkette

In 1863, a Scottish immigrant named John Bertram built a small machine shop which grew into a large manufacturing plant that occupied the land we now know as the Spence Creek Village Community.

After the last World War, the plant closed down and eventually the Town of Dundas leveled the building.

The land would become know as a " Brownfield " for many years.

In 1996, the lands were purchased and cleaned up and zoned for development by the Urban Horse Development Corporation. The parcel known as "Block 11" was designated for park and recreation.

In about 2000 construction of Spencer Creek Village - a balance of residential condominiums, retirement residences, commercial and green space - began.

In 2010, with the complex almost complete, the developer applied to the City of Hamilton to re-zone "Block 11" ( the open space designated for recreation and outdoor activities ), to provide for a fifth condominium building.

Creekside condominium owners, along with other Dundas residents, strenuously opposed the loss of the only proposed green space in the area. As a result, the City of Hamilton turned down the re-zoning application and purchased the land with the understanding that the community would build the Parkette.

In 2013, Dundas Rotary Club was asked to take the leadership role in the creation of the Parkette.
Dundas Rotary, Amica and the representatives of the Creekside Condominiums created a task force to raise funds.

Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds, a local company that specializes in building natural playgrounds and parks around the world, was hired to manage, design and construct a city approved Parkette that would serve the needs of seniors and the entire community.

Upon completion, the Parkette will be turned over to the City of Hamilton for perpetual maintenance and the continuing enjoyment by the community.


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To comment on the project, click here or email thie.convery@ipcsecurities.com

Donations are now being gratefully received.

Please make cheques payable to:
The Rotary Club of Dundas Charitable Account

Please write "Parkette" in the memo section.

100% of All Donations
Will Go Toward the Planning
and Construction of the Parkette.

A Charitable Tax Receipt
Will Be Provided To Each Donor.

The charitable tax reference
number is 890328271RR00

Cheques can be given to the chair of fundraising, Judy Shepalo, or to any member of the Rotary Club of Dundas, or they can be given to Ross Cruikshank or Jessica Robinson at Amica, or call Judy at the number provided below and she would be happy to pick up the cheque from you in person.

Cheques can also be mailed to:
Rotary Creekside Parkette c/o IPC Securities Corporation
229 King St. West
Dundas, ON L9H 1V6

It’s people like you who will help make the Parkette a reality and something that we can all enjoy and be proud of.

Donate Now Through CanadaHelps.org!

Thank you for your support.

Judy Shepalo
Rotary Creekside Parkette Committee, Fundraising Chair
(905) 517-6494

Donate Now Through CanadaHelps.org!
